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Info for Roommates


Here's a simple guide to renting with roommates from SpareRoom, the roommate site you can trust.

What you need to know

There are laws about what you can and can't say in your roomate ad, especially when it comes to discrimination. Check out our simple guide to what you can and can't say.

Finding a room

Now you know how it all works it's time to find your perfect room or apartment. We've got advice on how to look, what all the jargon means and what to do to make sure you get what you want. We also look at why sharing is a great option.

Finding a roommate

What if you've got a great apartment but need to find a roommate? No problem - here's what you need to know about advertising your room and choosing a roommate

Average rents

We’ve put together handy guides to average rents, to help you work out where to make your next move.

Moving on

If you're leaving your current apartment and need to move we've put together a few tips on what you'll need to remember, as well as a handy checklist.

Dealing with issues

When you're sharing an apartment you're bound to have a few small problems from time to time. We've put together some advice on how to deal with them, starting with dealing with arguments to how to evict your roommate if you can't sort out your differences.