Press inquiries
Whether you're writing specifically about living with roommates or looking at the wider picture around renting, housing and the changing way we live, SpareRoom can help.
SpareRoom is the leading dedicated roommate matching site with over 17 years of experience in the online roommate market. We can supply stats, comment and case studies as well as expert opinion and insights to help you with your piece.
Just email us and let us know how we can help (and if you would like to be added to our press release list) –
For more background on SpareRoom see how we started.
Looking for data for your latest story on renting or the housing crisis? Check out SpareRoom’s latest rental market analysis and stats.
Our spokespeople

Rupert HuntFounder & CEO
Rupert founded SpareRoom in 2004. He's a passionate advocate of living with roommates and believes living with the right people beats living on your own any day. In 2016, he used SpareRoom to find two roommates to share his 300 year old London townhouse with a 'pay what you can afford' rent, and filmed the results for a YouTube series. Later, Rupert moved to New York and used SpareRoom again to find roommates, this time to share his Manhattan loft for just $1 a month in rent. You can check out Rupert’s video ad here.

Matt HutchinsonGlobal Communications Director
Matt has been SpareRoom's global comms director and media spokesperson since 2007 and regularly provides comment and opinion on renting, sharing and real estate for US media. Matt has previously been interviewed by the LA Times, ABC Eye Witness News and CBS to name a few.
Press releases
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Services like SpareRoom offer a unique experience. Unlike Craigslist, it?s a safer way to connect with potential roommates
SpareRoom: If you?re looking to save some time finding something new yourself and just want in on a good deal or existing unit,this is the place to go