Once you've found the room of your dreams you're going to have to move fast to stake a claim. The housing market is a tight one and there will be plenty of other prospective roommates eager to find somewhere decent and affordable to call home.
As a prospective roommate you may or may not be on the lease, depending on the arrangement with the current tenants. Depending on the agreement you may need to come armed with lots of documentation to ensure your application is processed as quickly and smoothly as possible. It's best to be prepared so you don't miss out.
What you'll need to provide:
Security deposit. You'll need to cover the equivalent of between one and two months rent and the funds should be in the form of a certified check, bank check or money order.
Letter of employment. You need to show evidence that you have a steady income and that you'll continue to be in employment for the foreseeable future. Ask your employer to state your salary, any bonuses and your start date.
Current bank statement (with a positive balance!)
Recent pay stubs which show your annual income is 40-50 times the monthly rent. If your salary is not high enough you'll need a guarantor.
A credit report or money to cover the cost of getting the check done.
It's best to prepare all these documents in advance and keep them in a folder when you go apartment hunting. That way you can be sure you won't miss out on the ideal apartment share.
Haven't found a room yet? Check out a list of rooms for rent ccurrently listed on SpareRoom.
Disclaimer - This is for general information purposes only and shouldn't be treated as legal advice. We recommend you consult an experienced Landlord Tenant attorney if you need specific legal advice.