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Finding the right roommate


Finding the right roommate can be a tricky process. It’s almost like dating, except the person you choose moves in with you right away! So how do you make sure you make the right choice?

There are 3 golden rules to always remember. These rules not only apply to finding a roommate but also to living with one.

  1. It’s not just a financial decision
  2. Trust your head AND your gut
  3. Earlier = easier

1. It’s not just a financial decision

While this might seem obvious, it’s so easy to forget when you need to fill your room quickly. Rather than hastily offering it to the first person who seems OK and can afford the rent, take your time.

This isn't like selling a car, where someone turns up, kicks the tyres, makes an acceptable offer and drives away. The person you choose is going to move into your home, so you need to dig a bit deeper. Luckily, we have a great list of questions to ask a potential roommate, all given to us by people who’ve been in your position (often several times).

This point leads us on to number 2….

2. Trust your head AND your gut

It’s important to trust your gut when deciding who to rent your room to. But it’s also important to trust your head. Your head will tell you whether you’ll be compatible from a purely practical point of view (routines, lifestyles, shared interests etc.) and your gut will tell you if it just feels right. If your head and your gut are happy, it’s probably a good sign!

3. Earlier = easier

By far the simplest way to deal with any issues that come up with your roommate is to deal with them before they become issues in the first place. That might sound counterintuitive, but it’s really just about communication. If you’re clear and up front about what you both expect and want from the situation, you’re far less likely to experience misunderstandings later down the line.

This applies just as much when dealing with any issues that come up once your roommate has moved in. Implementing a roommate agreement can help get the ball rolling on these types of discussions, so you can uncover any potential red flags before committing to anyone.