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High Ridge results

2 Rooms For Rent/ 4 Br House

Ad ref# 102261770

Hey! My names Kevin I’m 27 and me and my girlfriend are currently exploring the option of a room mate(s.)

Some things about us, I am 27, she is 26, our 3 year old daughter lives with us and has her own room so must be okay with a kid and realize that a kid will be a kid. We also have 2 cats (they are hyper allergenic so no worries if you’re allergic!) We both work full time just looking for a way to supplement our income.

We currently live in a 4 bed room house, we use 2 rooms out of the 4. I use a 3rd for my office but could move back to the master bedroom if we found a roommate.

1 of the bed rooms (main office) is upstairs (could be rented.)

The other bed room (one I mainly want to rent) is in the basement. The basement is unfinished but the room is 100% finished, nice tile floor, walls and a door.

You would also have access to shared living room (could make something downstairs if you wanted)/Shared kitchen/washer and dryer. Also have a dishwasher

You would have a semi private bathroom, we have a master bathroom we use, the only time we would need to use yours is if we need to give our daughter a bath.

We wouldn’t mind sharing the living room/TV upstairs but we get home from work around 6:30pm and would use it from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. That would not be negotiable. Not to be rude or anything at all, but that’s what our routine is right now and we’re not really looking to alter our routine for a roommate.

House also has cameras and you must be okay with that. (Not in your room obviously) but in shared spaces we have multiple cameras set up. Altering or blocking these cameras would be means for eviction. I had someone steal my late mothers wedding ring last time I had a roommate and I’m not having a similar situation happen.

Not trying to be a stick in the mud, just firm on what we’re looking for in a roommate. We’re pretty chill/laid back people just looking for extra money. Don’t really care what you do as long as you’re not so loud your waking up our daughter while she’s sleeping. Just want a chill roommate honestly.

Also have an extra parking spot in the garage you can use until we get another car then you will be required to park in the drive way.

Rent for one bed room would be $500 + Half of utilities. (Electric, Internet, Water, Trash, Sewer)

Rent for both bed rooms would be $1000 flat.

Our current cost is:
$1650 rent
$200 electric
$40 internet (fiber optic)
$35 water
$25 trash (quarterly)

Rent is due on the 1st, considered late on the following Monday.


Max we’re wanting to rent to is 3 people. (A couple+1 kid.)

•$40 application fee (Non refundable)
•Background/credit check
•Deposit based on credit (will be no less than $500 which will be placed in a savings account.)
•No hard drugs (heroin/meth/coke etc)
•No cigarette in the house (don’t care about 🍁)
•Must be okay with shared space cameras 📸
•No prior evictions
•Must have stable income and provide proof
•Stable job
•2 professional (must include one of current employer) and 3 personal references.
•Must be okay with my 2 hyper allergic cats
•NO NON CAGED PETS (No cats or dogs) reptiles/birds are okay.

You do not need a perfect credit score or to make a million dollars an hour. Just want honest people.

If you’re interested shoot me an email or text, I will not answer phone calls! Just tell me a little about yourself, what you’re looking for, how long you’re looking to rent & how many people.

  • House share
  • High Ridge
  • 63049
  • $500 monthly (large/Private bathroom)
  • $500 monthly (large/Private bathroom)


Minimum term
Maximum term

Extra cost

(Room 1)
(Room 2)
Utilities included?


Disabled access
Living room
Broadband included

Current household

# roommates
Total # rooms
18 to 40
Any pets?
1 Female, 1 Male

New roommate preferences

Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
No preference

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  • The photos are not of the room advertised
  • The description is misleading
  • The ad is generic rather than for a specific available room
  • The advertiser is not a current roommate

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