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Amazing 3 Floor Manhattan Loft - $1 per month!

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Ad reference no. 100161946

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Hi, I'm Rupert, founder of SpareRoom. I'm moving to NYC, and I'm looking for two roommates to share the experience and kickstart my life here. Anyone can apply, I don't have any fixed ideas about the kind of people I'm looking for - you can never predict who'll make the perfect roommate, and preconceived ideas tend to go quickly out of the window when you meet people!

I've lived with a variety of people over the past few years, ranging in age from 21 to 47.

My only condition is that we get along well, and enhance each other's lives in some way.


The apartment is in a quiet spot on Bleecker Street, just off 7th Ave, in Manhattan's West Village. I'm still adjusting to the size of the place (it's bigger than my house in London!). It's got three floors, three large bedrooms, an amazing open plan lounge/dining room/kitchen and a HUGE rooftop space with amazing views of the Manhattan skyline (seriously, you can see the Empire State Building in one direction and the Freedom Tower in the other!)


Yes, this isn't a typo (or a joke). I'm offering the rooms for just $1 a month. Thanks to the success of SpareRoom I'm in the fortunate position of not needing to share for financial reasons. I share because I love it and I believe that living with the right people beats living on your own any day. That's never more true than when you're moving to a new city. The people you live with in those first few months have a huge impact on how your life there develops and how much you enjoy the experience.

I'm very excited to be here, and looking forward to making new friends and discovering what life in NY has to offer. So I don't want affordability to get in the way of finding the right roommates.

But...I'm not after roommates who just want cheap rent. You'll need to genuinely want to share with me - for your benefit as much as mine. The people you live with can be the difference between you dreading going home each day or having the time of your life. Even if this is the apartment of your dreams, I might be your roommate from hell... although I hope not :)


I'm a work hard and play hard sort of person. During the week I often head to bed at 10pm and get up at 6 or 7am. At the weekend I might not get to bed till 6 or 7! On the other hand I'm easily tempted into fun so do end up having the odd unplanned big night in the week. Equally, I occasionally have the urge (or need) to spend the weekend in the office.

Nights out back home in London typically entail, pubs and/or cocktail bars, followed by dancing like people who can't dance till kicking out time, then home for 'disco lounge'. I packed my disco lights to recreate that here - the space is substantially bigger (and the sound system substantially better than my old Hacker record player) so I may need a bigger disco ball!

Weeknights back home tended to centre round the kitchen. We regularly took it in turns to cook for each other, drink and talk about the day, and perhaps have a few games of shithead. No idea if that's a British thing - if so it's a card game I'll happily teach you!


As I said, I don't have any specific requirements. Here's a few thoughts though?.

* I tend to like people who don't take themselves (or life) too seriously, but have a passion that they do take seriously.

* As I'm new to NYC, it might be nice if at least one roommate knows the city well and can introduce me to their favourite spots and who also has a good group of friends we can spend time with.

* On the flipside, it might also be nice if one roommate was new to the city too, and can share my excitement in exploring, and maybe tick off some of those lame tourist things no self-respecting local would ever be seen doing!

I know what it's like to try to pursue your dreams in an expensive city. When I first moved to London, to be in a band when I was 21, it was financially tough. I was working two jobs and stocking shelves in a supermarket to make ends meet, which made it hard to find enough time and energy for the music.

So it would be great to think that this might be an opportunity for one, or both, of my roommates to save on rent and pursue their dreams. That could be something creative, volunteering or studying or maybe starting a business like I did.

When I was 27, I moved out of my London flat and back to my parents? house. I was unemployed and in debt. Moving home meant I could live very cheaply, support myself with some freelance web development work and free enough of my time to launch SpareRoom. In six months I managed to boostrap SpareRoom into a profitable business - profitable enough to mean I could move out of home, employ my first few members of staff, pay off my debts, and over the years, to come grow SpareRoom into the company it is today, employing 70 people.

How about you? If you could take rent out of the equation for 6 months, what would you do? With the opportunity? With the money you?d save on rent?

Most people who move to and live in a city like New York go there with a dream of some kind. What's yours?

I was lucky enough to be able to move back home to pursue mine - it would great if I could pay it forward. What would you do with this 6 months?


I have two rooms available. Both have queen-sized beds, huge windows and walk in closets. Each also has a desk with space to work.


There's plenty of communal space (I mean plenty!). The third floor is open plan and probably big enough to play softball in, and the kitchen is large enough for the most experimental of cooks to express themselves. You could basically open a restaurant in it! There's also a top of the range wireless sound system, which sounds incredible. So, whether we're sharing a bottle of wine or having a 4am dance-off the music will sound great!

The rooftop is huge. With 360 views of the manhattan skyline, including views of One World Trade and The Empire State Building. We've got two professional grade barbecues (one gas, one ceramic charcoal smoker), just in case the 17 seats get filled by hungry guests! A real bonus is that there are no neighbours to tell us to turn the music down either.

Don't forget to watch my video attached to this listing to find out more about me and the apartment!

So, fancy joining me and living in this amazing place for just a dollar a month?

If you're interested, message me through SpareRoom and let me know more about you and what I might expect living with you. I'm accepting applications until 23rd October.

And to follow my journey, follow me on instagram (@ruperthunt)

  • Apartment share
  • West Village
  • 10014
  • Christopher St - Sheridan Sq Station
    0-5 minutes walk away
View on map
$1 monthly
$1 monthly


Minimum term
Maximum term
6 months

Extra cost

(Room 1)
(Room 2)
Utilities included?


Balcony/roof terrace
Disabled access
Living room
Broadband included

Current household

# roommates
Total # rooms
Any pets?
snowboarding, business, festivals, scuba diving

New roommate preferences

Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
No preference

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  • The photos are not of the room advertised
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