I have a medium sized room for rent in a three bedroom house. There are four tenants currently residing in two the three rooms, couples. I am the original tenant whose name is on the lease and the landlord knows that I cannot afford to pay the rent on my own so she allows me to have roommates. We have a blue nose pitbull named June she is trained and she is like our child. We keep to ourselves go to work and come home and relax. My husband and I clean up so you wouldn't have to worry about cleaning the house but I would ask that you clean up after yourself. You will have access to the kitchen so you'll be able to cook if need be and of course the restroom. If there's anything that you would not like anybody else to use I suggest that you would keep it in your room. I do have a garage but there is very limited amount of space in it. I have a washer and dryer that is available for use, although if I see that you are abusing my machines washing privileges will be revoked . I don't mind if you use the household essentials as long as you help replace them throughout the month I am picky about the brand of dish soap toilet paper and paper towels that we use if you cannot afford or do not wish to buy the specific brand then please provide your own. Same goes for food don't mind sharing as long as you are pitching in throughout the month to replace what gets eaten if you are the last one to have finished off something please replace it if this is something that you are not willing to do or are uncomfortable with doing you're more than welcome to just buy your own stuff and put your name on it so long as you don't use anything else that doesn't belong to you. No overnight guests are any other questions feel free to give me a call or message me.
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