Looking for a female roommate to rent our remodeled downstairs bedroom. Close to freeways, shopping, and entertainment.
FEMALE PREFERRED- private room Seeking a professional who lives a Healthy Life Style and works away from home--Daytime hours only.
I have two different bedrooms available - see photo. The second bedroom can be furnished.
No smoking of any kind (this includes all vaping), drugs, or excessive alcohol.
Close to ocean. Most Utilities covered. Unattached full bath/shower across the hall from bedroom. Light Kitchen and laundry privileges street parking WiFi
This is a drug-free, no smoking home! This is a deal breaker!! All References will be Verifed. Background checks. Verifiable Steady income is a must. NEAT/CLEAN and RESPECTFUL
Available April 1st Some utilities are included $1099. Security deposit plus first months rent I also have a downstairs master bedroom with ensuite for 1499 with most utilities
We have staff moderating our ads 7 days per week to keep quality high. Please help us with our job and let us know if there is a problem with this ad. For example, if
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