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Room wanted near Sharon, MA

Ad details


Ad reference no. 102473439

I’m Sydney. I’m from the Plymouth area and have lived here all my life. My friends would describe me as kind, responsible, easy-going, and dependable. In my free time, I like to sing and play music, I love finding new people to play music with. I also enjoy painting, drawing, and crocheting. Overall I would say I just love creating one way or another.

I am a farmer for work, and my schedule tends to change throughout the year. During the winter months I work 8-4, whereas the warmer months I work 7-4 and 6-4 depending on the sun. During the week, I’m usually in bed by 9 and up by 5 or 6. My off days change month to month but I am always off on Thursdays, on these days I am usually up around 10. I enjoy spending time with people, but I also need alone time to relax and recharge. I’d like where I live to be a place where I can have people over, but not a place that is constantly filled with people. I am open to the idea of my roommates hosting parties - I would just like to know about these ahead of time. I’d really like to be able to spend time together and get to know each other. Whether that is watching TV together, cooking, or maybe doing a fun craft.
I’d like to think I keep my living spaces fairly tidy. My mess, if any, tends to stay confined to my room. when it comes to shared spaces I usually pick up after myself, especially if I have just done some cooking, I always do my own dishes. I am also open to the idea of a cleaning schedule if it would keep things more organized.
My monthly budget is $600-$700, and I’m looking to move in sometime during September. I’m hoping to find a place near my job in Sharon, MA so I am looking at areas between Pawtucket, RI and Foxboro, MA. I would like my own bedroom, and I’m open to living with 1-3 other people.
Here are a few more things about me: If I have had a few busy days in a row I will usually need at least one day to veg out and not interact with anyone, sometimes you just need a “no-talking” day to recharge. I don’t mind hearing music or the TV from the next room, just please don’t blast it too much. If things are at normal-ish volumes I can sleep through just about anything. I’m not a smoker, and I don’t mind living with smokers, however I’d appreciate if they didn’t smoke in the house. I’m a social drinker so it’s rare you will find me with a drink but I like a hard cider now and then (beer is gross and my mind wont be changed).

  • Sydney
  • 24, female
  • Small or large wanted

Total budget: $700 /month


Minimum term
Maximum term

Looking in

  • Indianapolis

Amenities required

About me

Any pets?
music, cooking, art, food, writing, dancing, outdoors, animals, painting, nature, swimming, camping, concerts, drawing, singing

New household preferences

Smokers OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
No preference specified

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  • The photos are not of the room advertised
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