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Hey there, I am seeking a room with a private bathroom inside/en suite of the room and with month to month terms. Preferably only one roommate.
I am a comedy writer/performer and a former personal trainer. I'm usually out of the home between 230p til at least 9p. I'm a vegetarian and keep a pretty clean place.
I should mention that I am sensitive to chemicals/fragrances so would need a roommate who will be mindful of that and not use incense/sage/cologne/perfume/air fresheners/scented products/essential oils diffusers. Probably easier to live with a male as they typically use a lot less scented products. Nor smoke or vape.
Also, I have a ton of weights and fitness products if you want a home gym area, otherwise, I'd just leave them in my storage unit. Figured I'd mention that as a bonus.
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