Greetings, My name is Clark Taylor I'm looking for a room for rent in one of the following cities, Clairemont, Ontario, Right now, mainly because The Church that i'm affiliated with has congregation in Clairemont and i am trying to move closer. I am a student of theology doing an online college course. I'm a mature person of 69 years, and am clean, quiet, and am looking for a peaceful place to do my studies. I don't party, use drugs or drink or smoke any substance. I don't, however mind living with someone who drinks in moderation. no drugs though please. Also I want to let you know I'm pretty handy and if repairs need to be done around the house, no need to hire anybody, I'll be there. my income is varied but good as I am a full time Lyft driver, I had to come out of retirement but I am also receiving social security. I plan to be involved in community service wherever I live as I like to reach out to help whenever I find the opportunity. If I sound like the person you would like to share your home with. please message me and we can talk. Thank you. My ideal living situation would be a room with a private bathroom and entrance, or a cottage.
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