I have a room available in my townhouse. I am retired and have a live-in caregiver. We are responsible and quiet people. It is a quiet house. It will be your home. The house is in Foster City. You will have your own private bathroom. I also have a sweet dog. The dog doesn’t bite. She plays with her dog toy sometimes and also goes for a walk. She is cat friendly. It’s a very safe and quiet neighborhood. Walking distance to a small shopping center with a Lucky supermarket. Another shopping center has Safeway and CVS. Swimming pool and Tennis Court. ADT security system is installed. A thorough background check and credit check will be done. A CREDIT SCORE ABOVE 670 is Preferred. Water, Garbage, and Internet are included. Security Deposit can be paid over several months. Non-smoker preferred. Thanks.
music, reading, art, video games, gaming, outdoors, exercise, tv, animals, walking, meditation, meeting new people, relaxing, computers, laughing
2 Males
New roommate preferences
Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
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No preference
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