Hello there! We are soon to be "empty nesters" and have a furnished guest room with bathroom available to rent in a beautiful neighborhood with lots of great amenities including pool, hot tub, gym within short walk. Ample street parking and some storage available in garage. Perfect for busy professional, student or nurse. We are an outgoing couple with a busy social life. We enjoy cooking and entertaining and have a great room including kitchen, dining area and living room as well as a backyard patio. All will be a shared space for you to enjoy with us. We also have a sweet little French Bulldog who will try to win your heart. Looking forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.
music, reading, cooking, travelling, sports, food, work, outdoors, biking, beach, walking, church
1 Female, 1 Male
New roommate preferences
Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
Females preferred
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