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Please read entire description before responding to assure this is a good fit for your lifestyle. See all pix.
An ideal fit is a person who is employed full time outside the house, no pets, no smoking, no drugs, no drama, no parties. Room is for ONE person who desires a private room.
ROOM FOR RENT, Luxury home in gated community, 1 mile from ocean - Lower Level of house, no other living area on lower level, very private and large. Includes, all utilities, Wifi, AC, water for shower and sink. Attached recently updated bath, shower (no tub) and toto bidet toilet (heated seat and remote for bidet). Nice walk in closet. Room has sliding glass door to garden backyard and lots of light. Plenty of street parking, community pool/jacuzzi. Includes bed, large mounted TV, massage chair, nightstand.
Shared space - Front door. exterior steps lead up to front door, so not handicap accessible. Upstairs new laundry room. Kitchen. Backyard.
Not Shared space - no garage use, no deck access, no office use.
Rent is $2200 including heat, electric, AC, trash, water, Wifi. $2200 security deposit based on successful background/credit check and income verification.
If you think you may be a compatible fit, please contact.
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