Recently renovated 1935 home has early 1900’s styling with modern functionality. Cute average size furnished room available. Shared large restroom. Classic styling, deep tub, seeded glass light fixtures, hardwood floors, multiple built-in closets for use. Common spaces include beautiful great-room style living and kitchen area with lofted ceiling and fireplace, and lots of light. Hardwood floors throughout. Very nice appliances. Outdoor space is mostly CA Native plants to support our local wildlife. Yard includes a small lawn surrounded by large shrubs that provide screening and privacy.
There’s a lovely bakery just 1/2 block away. Walk to Trader Joe’s, lots of restaurants, a couple of bars and the park and schools. Occidental about 1.5 miles away. Off-street stacked parking, on-site laundry. Gas, water, electricity, waste, internet and landscape maintenance costs included in monthly rent. Pets negotiable requiring increased monthly rent. Kind, clean, sustainability minded and highly communicative female owner-occupant enjoys an alternative lifestyle. Encourages housemates to be who you are and love who you love. Hopes that common areas will be enjoyed by all. Expects that everyone remembers that they are shared. That the basic standard of clean and tidy includes promptly addressing stove, counter and dishes after use and that there is no long term storage of personal effects in the living room. With clear communication there is flexibility in how those expectations are accomplished.
No smoking inside or near doors. No planting in the ground without first clearing with owner. In general, communication is key.
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